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Candid Higher Secondary School, Srinagar

Main Chowk, Main Road, Nowgam, Srinagar - 190015, Jammu and Kashmir (Report an error in WHATSAPP at: 9971516996)

PHONE No.: 7006902728, 9419592368, 7006373732




CLASSES: Senior Secondary


LANGUAGES: English Language

Enquiry Form


The Candid Higher Secondary School was founded by far sighted, responsible and enlightened members of the society who had a vision of imparting quality education to its new generation in particular and who also wanted to leave something healthy for the posterity as well. The school has come up to the expectations of the founder members quite successfully, within the shortest span of time. It has matured into a premier institution in the whole of the educationally under privileged area. With the changing educational patterns and instructional methods, new methodology has taken over the out moded, obsolete traditional procedures. The school has successfully adapted every facility quite proficiently, in keeping with the modern day scientific and technological requirements which have proved beneficial. The expertise of the judicious educationists and their innovative experimented and applied educational techniques are some of the means which help us in the dissemination of knowledge in this area. This has been the upper most priority with us and we are looking forward to take this challenge to its natural conclusion i.e. helping individuals to become responsible citizens of the country, having matured intellectual outlook coupled with qualities of resolution, determination and dedication. This is the lofty ideal which is our guiding principal in leading us onto coveted path. We have vowed to dedicate our-selves it the cause of education and intellectual dynamism which would help us preserve our healthy traditions and also enable us to lay the foundations of a better tomorrow for the generations to come. We want imbibe into our students the values of human compassion, kindness and tolerance. These much-needed values have assumed greater significance in the context of the strife torn world in modern times. We should strive to bring human society up to a certain level which would hopefully go a long way in shaoing its destiny.

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Visitor No.: 1982

Updated On: 11/12/2018

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