Jajardeval, Pithoragarh - 262501, Uttarakhand (Report an error in WHATSAPP at: 9971516996)
PHONE No.: 05964 256381, 9897542006, 9897090287
EMAIL: info@idealpublicschoolpth.in
WEB SITE: idealpublicschoolpth.in
CLASSES: Nursery to Vll
Enquiry Form
Name & Place of the school is Ideal public School. It is located in one of the healthist area of the district Pithoragarh in Kumaoun hills. It is an ideal institute for the guardian/parents to whom health of the children is a matter of prime importance, The school is situated in a very feaceful area, It will run without any disturbance.
The school is a coeducational institution where boys and girls grow up together in a healthy atmosphere of equality and mutual respect. This institution conduct classes from nursery to 8th, The school aims to development all around personality of the child by inculcation physical fitness, ideals of health competitiveness, leadership and self expression through games, dramatic, public speaking value education and moral instruction.
A General Eduction in all subject is provided from class nursury to 8th.
Visitor No.: 1553
Updated On: 5/7/2020
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