Kurmanchal Colony, Khatima - 262308, Uttarakhand (Report an error in WHATSAPP at: 9971516996)
PHONE No.: 9897533357, 05943 250813
EMAIL: shiksha_bharati@rediffmail.com
WEB SITE: www.shikshabharatiktm.com
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The educational Institute "Shiksha Bharati Khatima" was founded by H.C. Pandey dedicated to the task of bringing out required improvement in the quality of educational programs. This institution was set up in the year 1988 and the objective of the institution has been to provide skilled manpower to support in vast development programs, being implemented in the country. During the span of 24 years, the institute has been able to create a niche for itself in imparting quality education programs.
The Institution is fully equipped with the latest type of equipment, machinery and innovations. It has a beautiful surrounding. The school building comprises Administrative block, Science block having separate laboratories for conducting the practical of Physics, Chemistry, Biology and Computer. It comprises of Mathematical Lab, Library, Audio-Visual room, reading room and Twenty nine classrooms. It has a developed and professionally qualified faculty, well known in their field of specializations.
The teaching is imported to compact groups of students liberally utilizing the totally developed educational technological resources.
The basic approach of the Institution for imparting knowledge in the different educational courses is that of inculcating skill and competency in the students to the of service and help to the community and provide a finish to be a good and useful citizen of the country.
The school has been built to accommodate 450 students. Its facilities allow students to participate in the widest possible variety of activities. This ensures that each student can find and develop his own individual talents. In the end, our aim is to create a well-rounded student capable of achieving his highest academic potential alongside shaping his well-developed and whole personality.
Visitor No.: 783
Updated On: 7/21/2022
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