No.58, B Ramachandra, Adithanar Road, Gandhi Nagar, Chennai - 600020, Tamil Nadu (Report an error in WHATSAPP at: 9971516996)
PHONE No.: 044 24424445, 24424446,
CLASSES: Pre KG to 12th
LANGUAGES: English, Hindi
Enquiry Form
Bala Vidya Mandir enjoys a justifiable reputation among schools in Chennai, for its balanced approach to education. In this school, Indian tradition and Western liberalism achieve a harmony. Students imbibe not only the knowledge reflected in their studies, but also a self confidence that stands them in good stead in the outside world.
The philosophy of the school believes in the holistic development of the child. Besides striving to achieve a high standard of academic proficiency of the student, the school works towards helping his/her, proper physical, psychological, social and cultural growth. The school is activity based and lays lesser stress on examinations and academic results.
Continuous and comprehensive evaluation is intended to provide a holistic profile of the learner through assessment of both scholastic and non-scholastic aspects, spread over a total span of instructional time in school. Examinations are not held up to class V and instead, the students are graded continuously for all their work done in school. It is compulsory for all primary students to take part in one cultural event at least.
At the high school level, the students are exposed to a lot of club activities and the school ensures that every student is a member of one club or the other. We have the Science club, the Nature club, the Commerce Club, the Literary Club, Karuna Club, the Humanities club, the Cultural club and the Interact club. These clubs help the children to recognize and provide them with an opportunity to further their quest into a field that interests them. They enable the students to grow and discover together and allow them an opportunity to interact with the society. Throughout the year the various clubs hold workshops and visits and plan activities where the students work in a congenial atmosphere. The practical knowledge gained by these activities goes a long way in enhancing teamwork and team spirit.
Visitor No.: 1893
Updated On: 1/16/2018
Visitor Number: 550,139
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