U-6, Seventh Street, Anna Nagar, Chennai - 600040, Tamil Nadu (Report an error in WHATSAPP at: 9971516996)
PHONE No.: 044 26213224, 26206261,
EMAIL: jgvvan@gmail.com
WEB SITE: www.jgvvannanagar.org
CLASSES: Hr. Secondary
Enquiry Form
Jaigopal Garodia Vivekananda Vidyalaya is a non - profit service institution striving to promote the cause of man - making education. The school endeavours to give culturally oriented education for the total development of the child. It was started in 1973 and upgraded to a Higher Secondary School in 1984 under CBSE pattern, switched over to Matriculation pattern of education in 1996.
For the past several years, our students have consistently performed well in the Matriculation Board Examinations and in the Higher Secondary Board Examinations, of the T.N. State Board with merit rankers and subject toppers to our credit.
Besides academic excellence, our students have earned innumerable laurels in Co-curricular Activities and in the area of sports too.
Acquisition of knowledge without losing the perspective of character building, coupled with stress on patriotism and devotion to God is the lofty goal, that J.G.V.V. has set for the students. ?Striving for Excellence? is the watch word of the J.G.V. V?ians. Talent nurture and Spiritual basis of education are the unique features of our school. The spirit of service to the community and values of age old culture and tradition are imparted along with the curriculum.
Interact Club: The students of class XI will be eligible to become the members of the Interact Club functioning as a part of The Rotary Club of Anna Nagar, Chennai.
Exnora : The Students Exnora Programme is functioning effectively in the school. The students of VIII std are made the members of the Students Exnora Programme (STEP)
Multimedia Education Programme : The school has introduced for the past three years Computer Aided Teaching to all classes. A new LCD projector at the cost of 2.5 lakhs has been added to make computer Aided Teaching more effective. A good mumber of CD?s have been bought to make this programme effective. More than 80% of our teachers are trained INTEL and teaching aids are prepared in Powerpoint. This will be a unique programme offered by very few schools in the city.
Visitor No.: 1535
Updated On: 9/21/2017
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