Gaurav Path, Near Shukhadiya Circle, Bhilwara, Rajasthan (Report an error in WHATSAPP at: 9971516996)
PHONE No.: 01482 264580, 265580,
CLASSES: 1st to XIIth
Enquiry Form
25 Years of a treasured tradition! And that makes a school unique, different and feels good!! St. Anselm?s School ? Bhilwara having begun in 1985 has launched itself into the second quarter of its glorious existence. This school has always been a landmark of the town from its inception and continues to be so. Starting on popular demand and growing rapidly to their expectations made the school special for the people of the town. Today, its sprawling campus, lush green playfields, spacious classrooms, dedicated staff, modern techniques of teaching ? learning, efficient and devoted management and keen and cheerful children upholds the appeal and desirability of the school. The level of excellence in academic results as well as co-scholastic activities maintained year after year, is an added attraction.
St. Anselm?s School ? Bhilwara is a private, unaided minority Christian institution, owned and administrated by the Catholic Diocesan Education Society of Udaipur.
Visitor No.: 1376
Updated On: 8/9/2019
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