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Guru Gobind Singh Public School, Jaitu

Gangsar, Distt. Faridkot, Jaitu - 151202, Punjab (Report an error in WHATSAPP at: 9971516996)

PHONE No.: 01635 290250,


Enquiry Form


Guru Nanak Dev Ji, our first Guru enunciated the philosophy of life and principles of true education. He said that without the attainment of self-realization and enlightenment, education is incomplete. An educated person according to the Guru is one who wears the garland of Ram Nam. Ram stands for all pervading universal spirit and Nam for truth, life, joy, beauty, purity, righteousness and heroism. The aim of education is thus to liberate.

Following Guru Nanak?s footsteps SGPC though a religious body earnestly realizes the need to make its contribution in the field of education. Our school philosophy combines academic rigor with exploratory experiences. We help students to develop academics skills, healthy habits and sound decision making. In the process, we also expose them to ideas and open doors that they have yet to walk through. We not only follow the best practices, we define them!

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Visitor No.: 1599

Updated On: 9/6/2019

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