26 Bora Bazar Street, Fort, Mumbai - 400001, Maharashtra (Report an error in WHATSAPP at: 9971516996)
PHONE No.: 022 26668032,
EMAIL: bkes_sol@yahoo.com
WEB SITE: www.baikabibai.com
LANGUAGES: English Language
Enquiry Form
On 14th June 1981 Bai Kabibai English School a co-educational English medium school was started, in the busy and crowded lane of Bora Bazar with only pre-primary and Std I and II. Since its inception, the school has forged ahead to become a full-fledged school right up to 10th standard following the S.S.C. syllabus, and Junior College for Commerce Section. The institution caters to the educational needs of the middle class. The low fees charged by the school enables the middle class families to put in their children who do not have high aspirations. The effort put in by the staff increases, to mould these children and inspire them on to the right path. But then the mental satisfaction of having produced some worthwhile material, which would enrich the society, is there at the end of the road. These students who reap the benefit of quality education, at a very low cost remain lifelong indebted to their Alma Mater.
Keeping in mind the rapid growth in science and technology and the phenomenal growth in the quantum of knowledge much more matter has to be taught in a limited time frame, the management went ahead and set up an air conditioned computer lab, for the benefit of students. The lab is equipped with 14 computers from Wipro with hard disks, mikes, speakers, Windows NT, scanner, DeskJet printer, laser printer, router, ISDN connection etc.
The school has a poor boys fund that provides fees and uniform to the poor and deserving students. Apart from indoor Sports activities like chess, carom, table tennis, badminton, Karate and band classes are conducted in the school under the guidance of professionals. School is equipped with a color T. V., and V. C. R. to make the teaching and learning process more enjoyable. There is a registered co-operative store being run by the Student.
Visitor No.: 2523
Updated On: 11/14/2017
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