Police Line Road, Bharatpur - 321001, Rajasthan (Report an error in WHATSAPP at: 9971516996)
PHONE No.: 05644 222700,
EMAIL: stpetersbharatpur@gmail.com
WEB SITE: www.stpetersbharatpur.in
CLASSES: Senior Secondary
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The Roman Catholic ArchDiocese of Agra. Which is committed to the services of education and the key to human development, established St. Peter's School in 1970 in a rented building at Ranjeet Nagar. It had a humble beginning with just nine students. one teacher and two priests, who sowed the acron of St. Peter's and carved a niche for itself into the educational map of Rajasthan. Rev. Fr. Thomas Paramundayil, the guiding light of the institution from 1975 to 2003 took over the reins of administration in 1975. He purchased land at the heart of Bharatpur city and started the construction work in 1977. Sisters of the holy family congregation of Northern Province began their valuable service and is still continuing.
The campus is beautiful and attractive. It has separate courts of basket ball, volleyball and tennis and spacious grounds for football and cricket. The attractive amusement park for children, the beautiful garden, the more acoommodating cycle stand, the lucid greenery, the spacious and well-furnished classrooms, fully equipped laboratories, a vast collection of books in the library, peaceful working enviroment etc. have transformed St. Peter's into a world class educational institution.
The School gained affilation to CBSE with two Streams- Science and Commerece. The school has made a rapid growth with 2300 students and 80 teachers. St Peter's has bloomed asd blossomed as the crown and glory of Bharatpur due to ceaseless zeal and missionary spirit. May God be the guiding destiny in the coming years too.
Visitor No.: 1543
Updated On: 8/9/2019
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