Abhyadaya Nagar, Kala Chowky, Tank Road, Mumbai - 400033, Maharashtra (Report an error in WHATSAPP at: 9971516996)
PHONE No.: 022 24707757,
WEB SITE: www.aesoc.org
CLASSES: High School
Enquiry Form
In the year 1962 a new Education Society known as New Cosmopolitan Education Society was formed. In May 1963 one more Education Society known as Abhyudaya Shikshan Sanstha was also started. In the year 1964 Abhyudaya Education Society was established with a view to catering to the needs of education of the children of lower and middle class people of Abhyudaya Nagar and its vicinity and got registered under the Societies Registration Act and Bombay Public Trust Act on 9.4.1964.
Few tenements made available by the Maharashtra Housing Board helped the Society to run School on skeleton basis. Due to the increase in the students strength, the Society managed to get 14 tenements from MHADA in the ground floor of Bldg. No.34 and the Primary Section was housed in it. Two plots of land admeasuring 700 sq.yards and 1068 sq.yards were allotted to the Society on lease by MHADA in the years 1970 and 1973 respectively. Initially a temporary shed was erected on the said plots and 8 class rooms were housed in it.
In the year 1976, a part of the building was constructed at a cost of Rs. 4 lacs in the 700 sq.yard plot of land. In 1980, second and third floors were added to it. In 1986 building was constructed in the adjoining plot i.e. on 1068 sq.yard with ground plus 3 floors. The total cost involved for constructing the school building with 37 class rooms and an auditorium was Rs. 49 lacs. After completion of Society's own building in the year 1987, 14 tenements in Bldg. No. 34 was taken back by the MHADA as per the agreement and the Primary Section was shifted back to the Society's own building. In the year 1995 fourth floor was constructed to the existing buildings and some extensions were made in the 1st, 2nd and 3rd floor levels at a cost Rs. 52 lacs.
Visitor No.: 3725
Updated On: 9/28/2021
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